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Naked Poison 1

Naked Poison 1

A lurid thriller that mixes the erotic with the fantastic, NAKED POISON is the story of Ah Man, a loner who has on ly on e human friend, his coworker Ling, and who spends most of his time with his pet lizards and snakes. When Ah Man discovers how to harness his reptile power to create serums that can give him strange powers, Ah Man begins to grow obsessed. When his deranged obsession alerts Ling that something is wrong, she puts herself at risk to save him.

87 Phút 2000 0 lượt xem

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Thông tin phim
  • Đánh giá: N/A
  • Chất lượng: HD
  • Thời lượng: 87 Phút
  • Năm SX: 2000
Tập mới: HD 3 HD 2 HD 1
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